Tuesday, 1 December 2009

SXSW Beginner's Guide - #1

This is a misleading title (that one up there ^) because I'm actually a beginner. I'm guiding myself so it's of little use to youze out there. Besides you've all been at least twice and I've NEVER BEEN so stop showing off yeah?!

So my idea is to try to listen to all the bands in one letter category every time I post about Sxsw. So here goes A in REAL TIME.

Aa (www.myspace.com/alittlea)
They are from Brooklyn. Thirteen is already excellent, all stuttering sounds, wild percussion and some soused shouting. The skittering sounds bound and elope. Thumper starts far more restrained, clicky and clappy. Far more minimal. Yum. Manshake = more drums. 2010 could be the YEAR OF DRUMS. More wild bubbly sounds and some shouting. I'm definitely seeing this band.

A Classic Education (www.myspace.com/aclassiceducation)
First thought is that there's a super hyped film called An Education. Anyway, first track What My Life Could Have Been starts pleasantly, all shimmery guitar jangle (with the trebely antics dialled out) but the vocals are merely functional. Further investigation finds that simple Vampire Weekend inspired jauntiness. Might be worth checking but definitely a back burner.

Alpha Rev (www.myspace.com/alpharev)
THIS IS POOR. Emotive voice, piano medicority and a chorus that soars over The Killer's heads. The setup though is thoroughly disgusting. AVOIDED BEFORE I EVEN GET THERE.

Amaral (?)
Couldn't find a direct link to music but found a website with a song. Pretty standard Spanish language singer songwriter fare. Meh.

And So I Watch You From Afar (www.myspace.com/andsoiwatchyoufromafar)
This is not for my reference, it is for yours. I already know they're excellent as do Rock Sound who made their debut album their sixth favourite record of 2009. Nice one Rock Sound.

Apostle of Hustle (www.myspace.com/apostleofhustle)
Another great Canadian band whose second album Anthem of Nowhere captured my imagination back in 2007. Classic Canadian/indie songwriting worth of applause along with Arcade Fire et al. Worth seeing if you haven't already.

Arms (www.myspace.com/armsongs)
More Brooklyn action. The Frozen Lake smears a sparking guitar across pretty dreary-toned yet exhiliratingly-pitched vocals that help the oblique synth swells build up across the length of the track. Kids Aflame is far too folk for my liking. Tiger Tamer is more standard indie fare. Could be a successful live draw, but have a feeling it will drag like Plants and Animals do.

Olof Arnalds (www.myspace.com/olofarnalds)
Olof (sorry about the lack of umlauts and accents over the o) is Icelandic folk rooted songwriting and is thoroughly beautiful. Sung in her own language her heart-tugging understated vibrato really strikes a chord. Not likely to be a SxSW highlight, but certainly someone who will stand out as an emotional high on the day she plays. Maybe I'll pretend she's singing just for me, and it'll be ultra special then...or maybe something marginally less creepy.

Art vs. Science (www.myspace.com/artvsscience)
Who the FUCK wins that battle? Science has gravity and the atom bomb on it's side while art has the Mona Lisa and the Sistine Chapel. It's a no brainer really, which is probably why this New South Wales Australian band are pretty fucking shit. Shit name, shit concept, boring synths but probably a riot live nonetheless. Boooo.

A Shoreline Dream (www.myspace.com/ashorelinedream)
From Denver (or Barnum as it says on their Myspace) these guys begin their track New York with haunting, old school prog type synths with titanic emptiness. It's all let down immediately by the limping vocals and dull-as-something-very-dull-indeed guitars. Seattle sees a driving guitar punch bring a more emphatic, growing track that seems intent on wind-tunnelling your aural vision. Aftershocking reminds me of a lightweight Depeche Mode. The track with Ulrich Schnauss is fucking excellent though.

Nicole Atkins and the Black Sea (www.myspace.com/nicoleatkins)
Hailing from Asbury Park (YES SPRINGSTEEN FANS YES!)Nicole is doing pretty pandemically-alarming dark balladry. Really quite boring to begin with, The Way It Is soon leaks into an arresting vocal performance for the chorus. The live version of The Tower confirms she can perform, but this sort of elegance is unlikely to be noticed, even by me. Seems a shame but she's not gonna divert my attention from something even a little bit different.

Autumn Owls (www.myspace.com/autumnowls)
Hailing from Dublin, Autumn Owls are the latest in the new species of animal monikered bands taking over from the overused Tiger and the relatively anonymous Animal. Gruff Lanegan-esque vocals don't do much to hide this anemic, dragged-out music, even when the singer sounds more like E from the legendary Eels. However, I may keep an eye in case the songwriting gets a little more quirky live...

That's it for A's for now. I'm sure a whole heap will be added next week and I'll have to update. Next B's where I will continue to write reams of words for no money. BRILLIANT.

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