Ripping asunder the very sky in some biblical approximation of a very natural disaster, duelling violins rip, shred and tear at the onslaught of guitar violence that's being committed kamikaze-style upon the rumbling drums.
If you were to dissect and wrench the most dramatic elements of Sigur Rós' instrumental assault, cure them and then throw them to lions you'd be hearing what Talons are trying to imitate. With nary a calm moment to draw breath, their live spectacle is adrenaline upon adrenaline splashed onto a Jackson Pollock canvas.
Yes this is breathless hyperbole - the best kind - and it only trims the fun value if I tell you it's nothing original, nothing earth-shattering or axis-snapping. But it certainly SOUNDS like all of those things and when ensnared in the grips of their most fervent ripples, you're likely to be reminiscent of wide-eyed rabbits about to be crushed under some enormous other-worldly weight. Apart from the 'hilarious' aggressive rapping a trio of punters thought it would be amusing to shout over these ferocious compositions, the Vice-owned Old Blue Last was left rapt last night and it's easy to imagine other audiences caught short in exactly the same way.
As well as announcing a tour with superb thrash-popstersJohnny Foreigner and having released a split EP on BSM with the similarly excellent And So I Watch You From Afar, they have a whole year planned with releases and support slots. This from a bunch of Hereford kids who couldn't support the mighty Cursive last year because they were still doing their GCSE exams. The youth of today sicken me.
Here's a Beatcast.co.uk video to prove all this is true.
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